Out-patient Transport Service

Due to the factors such as changes of the Hong Kong population structure, ageing population, childless population or children being away on employment etc, single elderly problems and demands have become a concern in the society. There is a growing demand for outpatient escort service because single elderly are mobility-handicapped, are declining physically with different diseases who need regular follow-up consultations or see a doctor when they are sick. Most of the elderly members are mobility-handicapped who are wheelchair-bound. There are certain difficulties for them to go to hospital or clinics by public transportation. Furthermore, they are in financial difficulties. It is hard for them to afford taxi fare. Therefore, Sowers Action and Hong Kong Family Welfare Society have worked together. A group of voluntary taxi drivers from Sowers Action provide voluntary escort services for the single elderly and the needy. Local services of Sowers Action are developed in line with its new directions for helping the underprivileged community and developing new scope of service. Coordination, cooperation, association with local social welfare organisations are enhanced to develop and make good use of resources.