In addition to the 5 main programs in China – school construction and facility, Student Sponsorship, Teacher Training, Children’s Home and Special Education, our organization also sponsors other programs, such as winter clothing for rural area students that provides warmth for their growth and learning.

The Sending Love Program

Winters have always been treacherous for children in the rural mountain areas.

When our staff returned from a follow up trip from the city of Zhaotong, Yunnan, they reported that children in high altitude mountain areas were wearing only thin clothing in the winter and did not have sufficient or suitable clothing or indoor heating to help combat the extreme cold, and this obviously impacted their ability to learn.

As a result, the “Sending Love” program was launched and has since received enthusiastic support from our society, helping to send warmth to the children in the rural mountain areas.

Since Sending Love program launched, we received various support from people and organizations from all walks of life to bring warmth to students in the mountainous areas.   Attahment:Sowers Sending Love 2021 Report & Acknowledgement

YearItemsQuantityBeneficiary counties / schools
2013The warmth Trio – Beannie, gloves and scarf32,410 pcs127 schools in 4 counties under Zhaotong City, Yunnan
2014Wind and water resistant winter jacket with removable lining9,827 pcs40 schools in 4 counties under Zhaotong City, Yunnan
2015Wind and water resistant winter jacket19,991 pcs124 schools in 5 counties under Zhaotong City of Yunnan, Liangshan of Sichuan and Nanning City of Guangxi
2016Wind and water resistant winter jacket20,269 pcs89 schools in 5 counties under Zhaotong City of Yunnan, Gannan of Gansu, Nanning City of Guangxi and the two Children’s Home in Yunnan
2017Wind and water resistant winter jacket and Shoes23,000 pcs
3,304 pairs
91 schools in 4 counties under Zhaotong City of Yunnan, Butuo County, Liangshan of Sichuan and the new comers of the two Children’s Home
1 school in Yongshan of Yunnan
2018Wind and water resistant winter jacket22,967 pcsChina (19,967 pcs):
224 schools in Yunnan, Gansu and Sichuan
Myanmar (3,000 pcs)
2019Wind and water resistant winter jacket30,400 pcsChina (21,400 pcs)
89 schools in Yunnan, Qinghai, Gansu & Ningxia
Myanmar (9,000 pcs)
2020Wind and water resistant winter jacket24,942 pcsChina (13942 pcs) 30 Schools in Yunnan (1 County), Gansu (1 City and 8 Counties)
Myanmar (6000 pcs)
Nepal (5000 pcs)
2021Wind and water resistant winter jacket20,871 pcsChina: Yunnan, Jiangxi & Gansu

The 2021 “Sending Love” campaign has started. Our own Work ‘Groups have started delivering the winter jacket to the needy in October and November. To support this cause, your generous donation of HK$ 120 (or RMB 110) will enable us to purchase and deliver the warmth of a winter jacket to a needy student.

Your support to this campaign will bring warmth to enable learning for needy children

現本人 / 本公司願意捐贈:外套 (每件港幣 135 元)

轉數快 FPS ID : 8764706

銀行帳戶 Bank account:
匯豐銀行 HSBC — 084-0046072
中國銀行 BOCHK — 012-875-1-092814-7
東亞銀行 BEA — 015-514-25-13539-5

帳戶名稱 Account name :
Sowers Action



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