Located in the suburbs of Yangon, Full Moon Children Home was set up in the year 2000 and now cares for 330 children from 14 ethnic minorities. Of these, 137 are orphans. The others come from single parent families or have fled from disaster in remote regions of the country. Wars and natural disasters have robbed these children of their families, their parents and left them to fend for themselves. They have no other choice but to leave their homes.
Asides from providing for their basic daily needs, the Home also arranges for the children to attend school in nearby communities. Staff at the Home tend to these orphans with love and care, helping them to arise above their troubled past.
To ensure that the children can be self-sufficient when they grow up, staff at the Home teach them basic skills like farming and pig rearing on the Home’s own farm. Apart from supplementing their income, it is hoped that by equipping the children with vocational skills, they will be able to support themselves when they eventually return to their hometowns.
The Home hopes to nurture children who will one day return to their original communities and support local efforts to spread and promote the message of peace. Of the children who have already graduated from the Home, some have gone on to become teachers, nurses, skilled farmers, mechanics as well as community workers, serving the community using the skills that they have.
The Sowers Action working group conducted two survey visits to the Home to find out more about its founding philosophy as well as its operational difficulties. In the process, the group gained a deep understanding of the issues encountered. These ranged from the fiscal and budgetary to problems relating to fund raising. In response, Sowers Action finalized a series of initiatives in January 2018 to address issues like repair work for the Home as well as its lack of funds.