Established in 1992, Sowers Action is a non-religious, non-political and non-profit-making charitable organization in Hong Kong, committed to promoting educational development and supporting livelihood needs, including school construction, student sponsorship, teacher training, children’s home operation and community development, to help disadvantaged groups around the world.

Our work emphasis on the principle of “On-site Assessment, Direct Subsidy and Long Term Follow-up”. All generous donations received are 100% used in subsidizing the projects. The operational expenditure funding is raised separately.


We Sustain a Better Wealth Equality World


To promote self-sufficiency and global wealth equality, we identify real societal needs, focusing on sustainable development of education and community projects, to match with charitable resources.  We try great endeavor to implement on-site assessment, direct subsidy, long term follow-up of every project, with practical and localized solution and management.

Donation Applied Entirely to Cause

All donations raised are bound by our constitution and can only be used to aid projects, unless specified. This offer donor assurance that 100% program funds raised will be applied towards the benefit of program helping those in need.
To move forward our programs, it incurs project execution and administration expenses. In the past difficult years, we are grateful to have our Council to the Board for their unrelenting and unsung support to help carry out our mission and objective.
Our organization insists on being financially transparent. All books and accounts of Sowers Action are open to the public for inspection. All donation and accounts settlements are audited annually in accordance with law by one of the CPA firm.