月捐越有 定期捐款計劃每月定額捐款 港幣$ *捐款用途*社區發展苗圃行動運作費學生資助社區發展 港幣 $苗圃行動運作費 港幣 $學生資助 港幣 $備註姓名 (中)*英*電話*電郵*通訊地址*信用卡號碼---VISAMASTERAECSV有效日期持卡人英文姓名免責聲明 本會從企業獲准, 轉售捐贈或代售的商品或服務, 純屬公益義賣性質, 對該商品或服務的用途、品質、效益、風險等, 本會不承擔責任。本會亦未明示或暗示推廣介紹該商品和服務, 客戶請自行作合適的事實核查和判斷。我同意免責聲明及個人資料及私隱條例請輸入圖文中文字*提交This field should be left blankYour Generosity Will Provide Warmth!Your generosity will not only help with physical needs, it will also and more importantly, give those in needs a heartfelt warmth knowing that someone care for them!Share this post Share on FacebookShare on Facebook Share on LinkedInShare on LinkedIn Share on WhatsAppShare on WhatsApp Share on XShare on XPost navigationPreviousPrevious post:2021 – 2022 Annual RepotNextNext post:「捐贈利是,成人之美」