

苗圃高尔夫慈善赛2023期望能够继续结集各方力量,邀请各企业及公众人士,以团队或个人名义参与,让参加者寓慈善於运动,本届将为 ”本地基层家项目及苗圃行动发展基金” 筹募善款!

举行日期: 2023年8月24日 (星期四)

时间 : 07:00-15:00

地点: 香港哥尔夫球场 - 粉岭伊甸场


A, HK$4,088 包括早餐丶果岭费丶高尔夫球车丶纪念品丶慈善午餐及$2,388捐款



  1. 男女子冠军丶亚军及季军
  2. 男女子最近旗杆奖
  3. 男女子最远距离



电邮 : hkgolf@sowers.org.hk

個人參賽 (每名)Individual Golfer (per pax)
報名費Enrolment Fee: HK$4,088
包括早餐、果嶺費、高爾夫球車、自助午餐及捐款*HK$2,388 (支持本地基層項目及苗圃行動發展基金)
Incl. Breakfast, Green Fee, Golf Cart, Buffet Lunch and Donation*HK$2,388 (support the Hong Kong low-income families and development fund of Sowers Action)
*捐款可獲發扣稅收據Tax deductible receipt will be issued for donation

隊服呎碼 (胸闊): S (92cm) / M (96cm) / L (100cm) / XL (104cm) / 2XL (108cm) / 3XL (112cm) / 4XL (116cm)
Polo Shirt (Chest):S (92cm) / M (96cm) / L (100cm) / XL (104cm) / 2XL (108cm) / 3XL (112cm) / 4XL (116cm)











轉數快 FPS ID : 8764706
銀行帳戶 Bank account:
匯豐銀行 HSBC — 084-0046072
中國銀行 BOCHK — 012-875-1-092814-7
東亞銀行 BEA — 015-514-25-13539-5

帳戶名稱 Account name :
Sowers Action


  • 隊服呎碼 (胸闊): S (92cm) / M (96cm) / L (100cm) / XL (104cm) / 2XL (108cm) / 3XL (112cm) / 4XL (116cm)
  • Polo Shirt Size (Chest): S (92cm) / M (96cm) / L (100cm) / XL (104cm) / 2XL (108cm) / 3XL (112cm) / 4XL (116cm)
  • 為免浪費食物,如不參加午餐,請告之。
  • To avoid wasting food, please let us know if you will not be attending the lunch
  • 每輛球車(兩座位)至少1名參賽者需持有效正式駕駛執照,並於當天向大會出示其駕駛執照。
  • Each golf cart (2-seater) is required to have at least 1 golfer who holds full driving license. Such golfer is required to produce his/her driving license on the event day.
  • 備註:場地可能因不可預見保養需要而有所更改。高爾夫球場慈善賽、早餐及/或午餐可能因惡劣天氣或抗疫措施限制取消。有關參加費用及捐款(扣除必要開支)將全數撥作慈善捐款用途,不作退款。
  • Remark: Venue may be subject to change due to unforeseen maintenance work. The charity tournament, breakfast and/or lunch may be cancelled due to inclement weather or anti-pandemic measures. The relevant fees and donations (after deduction of necessary expenses) will be used for charity purpose and will not be refunded.

格式 Format : jpg, jpeg, png


I (and my teammates) understand that there may be unexpected danger or accident during this event. I am / We are willing to abide the safety instructions and arrangement made by the organizer and the venue provider, and hereby to declare that the undersigned are in good health condition for joining such activity. In case of any injury, death or loss of any kind or in any situation (including negligence) during the event, the organizer, sponsors, volunteers and staff would not be liable. I/We have read and understood all the information, and are willing to participate in “Sowers Action Charity Golf Tournament 2022” as well as to abide by all the regulations and instructions set forth by the organizer and the venue provider. In addition, I/We agree that the organizer reserves the right to use all photos, videos or records taken at the event for legal purposes.

這有助於我們防止垃圾郵件,謝謝。 This helps us prevent spam, thank you.

贊助表格 Sponsorship Form

現金贊助 Cash Sponsorship

冠名贊助 Title Sponsor
金額 Amount : HK$200,000
指定回報 Designated Benefit : 參賽人數 No. of Golfers:20
海報 Poster : 活動冠名 Event Title
活動背板 Event Backdrop : 活動冠名 Event Title
線上宣傳 Online Media : 專訪及鳴謝 Media interview and Acknowledgement
金贊助 Gold Sponsor
金額 Amount : HK$38,000
指定回報 Designated Benefit : 參賽人數 No. of Golfers:4
海報 Poster : 芳名/公司商標 Name/Logo
活動背板 Event Backdrop : 芳名/公司商標 Name/Logo
線上宣傳 Online Media : 專訪及鳴謝 Media interview and Acknowledgement
銀贊助 Silver Sponsor
金額 Amount : HK$20,000
指定回報 Designated Benefit : 在指定球洞發球台放置印上公司標誌橫額 Banner with company logo at tee area of designated hole
海報 Poster : 芳名/公司商標 Name/Logo
活動背板 Event Backdrop : 芳名/公司商標 Name/Logo
線上宣傳 Online Media : 鳴謝 Acknowledgement
最近旗桿球洞贊助 Nearest to Pin Hole Sponsor
金額 Amount : HK$10,000
指定回報 Designated Benefit : 在指定球洞發球台放置印上公司標誌橫額 Banner with company logo at tee area of designated hole
海報 Poster : 芳名/公司商標 Name/Logo
活動背板 Event Backdrop : 芳名/公司商標 Name/Logo
線上宣傳 Online Media : 鳴謝 Acknowledgement
最遠距離球洞贊助 Longest Drive Hole Sponsor
金額 Amount : HK$10,000
指定回報 Designated Benefit : 在指定球洞發球台放置印上公司標誌橫額 Banner with company logo at tee area of designated hole
海報 Poster : 芳名/公司商標 Name/Logo
活動背板 Event Backdrop : 芳名/公司商標 Name/Logo
線上宣傳 Online Media : 鳴謝 Acknowledgement
廣告贊助 Ad Sponsor
金額 Amount : HK$2,000
線上宣傳 Online Media : 鳴謝 Acknowledgement

物資贊助 Sponsorship In-kind


參賽者紀念品 Souvenir

海報 Poster : 芳名/公司商標 Name/Logo; 活動背板 Event Backdrop : 芳名/公司商標 Name/Logo; 網上宣傳 Online media : 鳴謝 Acknowledgement

比賽獎品 Tournament Prizes

海報 Poster : 芳名/公司商標 Name/Logo; 活動背板 Event Backdrop : 芳名/公司商標 Name/Logo; 網上宣傳 Online media : 鳴謝 Acknowledgement

抽獎獎品 Lucky Draw Prizes

海報 Poster : 芳名/公司商標 Name/Logo; 活動背板 Event Backdrop : 芳名/公司商標 Name/Logo; 網上宣傳 Online media : 鳴謝 Acknowledgement
贊助人/機構請提供芳名/機構商標(300 dpi, PDF或AI格式)並於2022年 8月15日或之前交回。 若逾期遞交,或未能享有部分鳴謝/廣告渠道的刊載安排。
Please provide Sponsor’s Name/Company Logo (in 300 dpi, PDF or AI file) and return on or before 10 Aug 2021. Late submission may result in loss of some acknowledgement or advertising channel.
Remark: Venue may be subject to change due to unforeseen maintenance work. The charity tournament, breakfast and/or lunch may be cancelled due to inclement weather or anti-pandemic measures. The relevant fees and donations (after deduction of necessary expenses) will be used for charity purpose and will not be refunded.
其他鳴謝包括活動網頁、面書及其他媒介(如適用)。Other acknowledgement includes event website, Facebook & other medias (if applicable).


  1. 有關贊助金額,在扣除每名球員HK$1,600報名費 之總額後,其餘數將作為現金捐款,50%為香港基層家庭項目及50%為苗圃行動發展基金捐款,並可獲發扣稅收據。All cash sponsorship amounts, after deducting the enrolment fee of HK$1,600 per golfer will be applied as donation to support Hong Kong low-income families (50%) and development fund of Sowers Action (50%). Tax deductible receipts will be issued.

  2. 所述報名費可獲發普通收據,但不適用於捐款扣稅。Such enrolment fee will be issued a general receipt but NOT applicable for donation tax exemption.


這有助於我們防止垃圾郵件,謝謝。 This helps us prevent spam, thank you.







「自修室有足够的光线丶舒适的桌椅丶安静的环境… 孩子在家做功课做到晚上十时,来这里只花两小时就做完了!」



