
Announcement Sowers Action, Hong Kong Myanmar Chamber of Commerce and World Green Organisation  had entered into an agreement on 16 June, 2018 of the strategic partnership on the charity work to be carried out in Myanmar.  All three parties agreed to terminate this agreement effective on 5 October, 2019.   During the agreement period, Sowers Action…

缅甸游「中」- 缅甸中华文化交流服务团

緬甸中華文化交流服務團 在另一国度体验到中华文化!   苗圃行动于明年4月举办 缅甸游「中」-缅甸中华文化交流服务团,现正招募高中学生参与,透过本地活动及到缅甸交流和服务,认识缅甸与中国的渊源及当地华人的历史和生活,同时鼓励学生参与公益活动。 人数: 30人 面试成功後,参加者需参与以下两个阶段。 第一阶段 第二阶段 日期: 2019年12月-2020年2月 2020年4月10日至17日 地点: 香港工作坊 (2次) 缅甸腊戌 (8天) 内容: 认识中缅关系、缅甸华人历史等知识,及了解苗圃行动在缅甸的慈善项目。 与华文中学交流,体验住校生活,与当地中学生一对一配对,一起到华文小学探访及进行义工服务,亦会参观当地企业及社福机构,让学生从不同角度了解缅甸文化。 费用: 免费 团费暂定每人港币2,400元 查询︰ 2597 4739 / 本活动由民政事务局及青年发展委员会赞助。 立即下载报名表格 Back 返回


慈善歌武薈 感谢一群热爱艺术的义工,组织了35个表演单位以歌声和武术为送爱暖童心筹款。 日期:2019年9月7日 (只演一场) 时间:下午2:15-5:30 地点:上环文娱中心 返回


實德金融x苗圃迷你挑戰賽暨漂書活動 一場又一場鬥智鬥力的競賽在荃灣D·PARK(愉景新城)上演,遊戲好玩、禮物豐富,歡迎帶同小朋友來參加,齊來渡過一個愉快的周未! 日期:2019年8月2—4日(星期五至日) 時間:每日11:00—20:00 地點:荃灣D·PARK愉景新城 返回

Our Work

Our principlesWe are committed to promote fair and equal opportunities for the disadvantaged to realize their rights to education in China.See moreChildren’s HomeAccording to China Report statistics on Children Welfare, there are approximate 510,000 orphans and an additional 8.9 million children living in poverty. Although China is now, since 2010, offering financial subsidy to them,…


Electricity is luxury to many people in Myanmar. An energy report in 2017 showed that only less than 40% of families nationwide had power supply at home. The figures in some poor regions such as Ayeyarwady, Mon, Kayin and Rakhine were even lower than 20%. Village schools often rely on ambient light. During the rainy season (April to October), the lack of sunlight from outdoors means pupils have to struggle with reading their textbooks and what their teachers write on the blackboards.

School Construction project

The school was built in 1991 with campus occupies a 2500m2 and gross floor area at 590m2. The school buildings include a single-storey teaching building, teachers’ dormitory and lavatory, all classified as Grade D “Dangerous Buildings”.School reconstruction items include:


工作组义工招募 〈六月〉 缅甸工作组 日期:6月16日(星期日)至23日(星期日) (8天) 地点:缅甸 (仰光丶伊洛瓦底省丶孟邦丶克伦邦) 工作内容:考察学生餐项目丶考察在建学校丶验收学校丶考察新项目 义工角色:协助文字记录及拍摄 费用:约HKD6,000 (多除少补) 〈七月〉 泰北工作组 日期:待定 地点:泰北清莱及缅甸大其力 工作内容:考察在建学校丶考察儿童之家项目丶验收学校 义工角色:协助文字记录及拍摄 费用:约HKD4,500 (多除少补) 如你有兴趣参与以下工作组,请与我们联络 如未能参与相关两次工作组,但有兴趣於将来参与本会其他海外工作组,请留下电邮或whatsapp,方便职员联络以协调义工参与日後的海外工作组。 Back 返回

Myanmar Projects

Ayemyitta Disable Centre (AMDC) in Yangon is the first validly registered centre for the disabled. It was founded by a visually impaired lady in 2003 and is currently managed by her son. At present, AMDC cares for 98 disabled children, including those suffering from deafness, blindness and muscular as well as intellectual impairment. Of these…