The Sending Love Program

活动背景 2012年6月,苗圃行动职员在云南省昭通市回访援建苗校时,得知当地部分高海拔地区,冬季漫长严寒,贫困的学生衣衫单薄,学校亦没有取暖设备,寒冷环境影响学生的生活及学习。因此,苗圃就发起了送爱暖童心计划,帮助学生渡过寒冬,今年更把浓浓暖意带到云南丶甘肃丶缅甸及尼泊尔等寒冷地区。 目的 集合大众力量,为寒冷地区的贫困学童筹募经费制造御寒衣物,让学童能在温暖中继续学习。 保暖外套 每件港币135元 参加资格 欢迎各学生或公众人士以个人形式参加 筹款奖项15岁或以下参加者金奖 筹款额 : 港币 $5,400或以上 (40件) 奖项 : 记念品及感谢状 银奖 筹款额 : 港币 $2,700或以上 (20件) 奖项:记念品及感谢状 铜奖 筹款额 : $1,350或以上 (10件) 奖项 : 感谢状 优异奖 筹款额 : $675 或以上 (5件) 奖项 : 感谢状 16岁或以上参加者金奖 筹款额 : 港币 $13,500以上 (100件) 奖项:记念品及感谢状 银奖 筹款额 : 港币 $8,100以上 (60件) 奖项:记念品及感谢状…

Myanmar Project

Chinese School in Lashio, North Myanmar There is a group of ethnic Chinese living in Lashio, in the northern Shan State of Myanmar. They have and established more than 90 Chinese schools without any support from the government.  Many of these schools, especially those in the countryside, suffer from a lack of resources. The school…

China Project

Since 2006, the Chinese government has implemented a 9-year state-sponsored education scheme and at the same time offered subsidies on related expenses such as costs of dormitory and textbooks. While this makes basic education possible for all, attending senior high school and higher means of education remains out of reach for the impoverished. Drop-out rate…

Corporate Support

In addition to personal donation, support from community and business sectors is equally important. Through cooperation with Sowers Action, enterprises and corporations can deliver your social responsibility and actively help improve the lives of the less fortunate. Please contact Communications and Fundraising Department (2597 4739) to explore various cooperation options. Beneficiary Activities Enterprises and corporations…