Privacy Policy

According to the “Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance”, Sowers Action (hereinafter referred to as “SA”) promises to keep your personal data confidential when collecting, using, retaining, securing and transmitting your personal data. SA will collect personal information in a legal and fair manner. The information collected will be used for charitable fundraising and other activities of…

China Project

Since 2006, the Chinese government has implemented a 9-year compulsory education scheme and at the same time offered“Two remissions and one subsidy” which means remissions of miscellaneous and textbook fees, subsidy for boarding students . While this makes basic education possible for all, attending high school and higher means of education remains out of reach…

From China to the World

From China to the World For years, Sowers Action have contributed to the improvements of learning conditions in rural China.  With the recent rapid economic growth, the Chinese government has dedicated much resources in education and have achieved gradual improvements.  In 2017, our volunteers switched their focus from China to assist other areas needing help…


没有教育會怎樣 緬甸是一個多民族的聯邦國家,因為歷史及政治原因,從殖民時代開始,便設置了很多邊陲地區,按次分給佔多數的緬族及各少數民族,讓他們彼此牽制,令政局一直不穩。但在過去的十年,緬甸正逐步向世界打開大門。 查看更多內地教育情況 中國為小學至初中生提供9年免費教育,實施「兩免一補」:免學費、書簿雜費和補助寄宿生生活費。中國近年在少部份地區試行12年包括高中的免費教育,然而因為中國是13億的人口國家,每一件事乘一個人口數都會是天文數字,在2015年最新公佈的國家級貧困縣*仍有592個,能夠全面推行12年免費教育並不容易。 查看更多緬甸教育情況 中國為小學至初中生提供9年免費教育,實施「兩免一補」:免學費、書簿雜費和補助寄宿生生活費。中國近年在少部份地區試行12年包括高中的免費教育,然而因為中國是13億的人口國家,每一件事乘一個人口數都會是天文數字,在2015年最新公佈的國家級貧困縣*仍有592個,能夠全面推行12年免費教育並不容易。 查看更多拾遺補缺 我們相信教育無分貴賤、殘障與否、患病與否,孩子都有讀書識字的權利!我們本著「多元助學」的精神,除了提供學生資助、建校及配套外,也顧及周邊相關配套。那方面有需要,我們就向那方面提供服務,希望不會再有孩子因為困境不能上學。 查看更多我們可以帶來什麼改變 當教育能公平,當教育被普及,當一代新人成長,這是培育健康社會的土壤,我們深切相信,很多不公平,不合理,不合法的事,將從中國絕跡。 查看更多


苗圃行動銀聯信用咭 本會與AEON信貸財務(亞洲)有限公司合作推出永久豁免年費的「苗圃行動銀聯信用咭」。當您使用「苗圃行動銀聯信用咭」購物時,簽賬金額之0.4% 將撥捐苗圃行動作助學用途。 更多苗圃行動銀聯信用咭的資料 支持夥伴 憑一己之力,實難以推動多如繁星的助學工作,我們感恩得到不同夥伴機構的大力支持。感謝以下企業、團體及善心人士參與支持苗圃行動,與我們攜手在內地推行各類助學項目: 上海和盛實業有限公司 太平洋集團 天威慈善基金有限公司 中國香港(地區)商會 中遠海運國際(香港)有限公司 正昌環保科技(集團)有限公司 何佐芝馮月燕慈善基金 何其銳先生 屈臣氏中國 松峰慈善基金有限公司 星島慈善基金 香港工程師學會 深圳市金立通信設備有限公司 黃家強先生 鴻星集團 顏思奮張命佳伉儷紀念慈善基金有限公司 關肖娟紀念信託 鑑基平護(基金)有限公司 The Chin’s Family Trust CLP Power HK Ltd. Technical Service Dept. GP26 GP27 KPMG L & F Production Co Ltd. Lidl HK Ltd Mattel Asia Pacific Ltd. Operation Santa Claus Ove…

Work group

Every potential project must go through a series of assessment and evaluation. We organize work groups and mobilize our volunteers to help us conduct on-site assessments and evaluation. A work group is formed by 3 to 5 members or volunteers. They, on behalf of Sowers Action, travel at their own cost to the mountain areas…

Teachers Training

A seedling needs tender care from its gardener, this is the true meaning behind the name of our organization where the seedling and the gardener symbolize the student and the teacher, respectively. As such, in addition to providing “hardware” we also provide the “software” to escalate teaching caliber. This training includes special education, pre-school education,…

Your participation

In 1992, two of our founder volunteers spent a whole day travelling to poverty stricken areas in Yangshan County, Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province. With strong ambition and passion, they managed to visit a list of primary schools even with limited information and resources. This marked the first milestone of our education aid service. After the…

Education in China

We believe that every child has the right to receive education, regardless of rich or poor, handicapped or able-bodied, ill or sound. Based on our principle of “Multipurpose Educational Aid”, besides providing Student Sponsorship, School Construction and Facilities, we also care about related support in the surrounding environment. Wherever there is a need, we will…